Thursday, 26 November 2015


Today we decided to test out some ideas:

1. Your forearm is the same length as your foot.
2. Your arm span is the same length as your height.

We found out that for most people the first statement was true but the second was only true for a few people.

We also tried to think of other body parts that we could compare, such as your nose and your ear or your thumb and your big toe.

While we were doing this we learnt the following about measuring:

  • you must make sure you measure right from the end of an object.
  • you must use the same unit to measure both objects that you are comparing. 
  • if you want to measure something that is not a straight line you need to use a measuring device that bends, such as string. 

Sunday, 8 November 2015

We are learning to write instructions

We have been learning about instructional writing. This morning we went into the playground to play hopscotch. We recorded each step and then used the ipads to create some electronic instructions. Tomorrow we are going to create written instructions and then see which are easier to follow.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Calendar Art

The children from Room 6 have produced some amazing art this year so it is no surprise that their calendar art is fantastic. We have created a simple piece that will look great as calendars, cards, diaries or any of the other items. If you would like to order then please get in quick as the deadline is this Friday 6th November. Additional forms are available from the office if you have lost yours.

Mini Te Reo Teachers

This term we have some new mini Te Reo teachers. They have started our lessons by teaching us the words for classroom objects.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Making our writing better.

Today we have been working hard to make our awesome writing even better. We have to carefully read our work to make sure that it says what we think it says. Then we make sure that it makes sense. After that we make sure that we have included interesting words and check our spellings. Finally we read our work to a partner to see what they think.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Maths Art

We sometimes combine our love of maths with our love of art to come up with some amazing work. These pieces all focus on symmetry.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term 4! Remember everyone needs to wear a hat outside this term. We are starting the term with a visit from the Life Education caravan. There will be lots more exciting things to come. I look forward to see you around school.

Shared lunch and cultural morning - end of Term 3

We had such a fun time at the shared lunch at the end of term. Thank you so much to everyone who sent in some food. It was all delicious! The children enjoyed showing off their cultural outfits and the masks they had made.

Thursday, 24 September 2015


Our wonderful masks are finished. They look amazing! Here are a few of them.




Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Te Reo Singing

We are lucky enough to have students from Room 21 come to see us twice a week to teach us some new words and songs in Te Reo. Here we are singing about the days of the week. Thank you Room 21.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Art Exhibition

Come and see some of the wonderful art that Pinehill School has created this year. There is a piece of work from every child at the school. The exhibition will be open before school and after school today, Tuesday, and tomorrow, Wednesday.

Thursday, 10 September 2015


Well done to Room 6 for a super effort in the factathon post test today.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Millennium Trip

We had an amazing trip today. All of the children were fantastic, well behaved and enthusiastic. Everyone had a go at everything! Well done Room 6. Thank you to all the parents and carers who supported us today. We really appreciate your help.