Thursday, 28 May 2015

How to make bubbles

Here are some of the instructions we wrote. We hope you have better luck with your bubbles than we did!

Monday, 25 May 2015

Shield Winner

Well done to Grace who won the shield this week. Congratulations!


Today we had a go at making our own bubble mix, ready to practise writing instructions. The recipe promised giant bubbles but so far it hasn't worked. We will leave it to "rest" overnight and try again tomorrow! If you have a tried and tested bubble recipe then let us know. Perhaps we can test it out.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Science in a van - Bubbles

Today we saw the amazing show from the Science in a van team. It was all about bubbles! We found out about mixtures, separation and reactions.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Shield Winner

Well done to Summer, the shield winner for this week.

Let's go on a shape hunt!

We used the ipads to go on a shape hunt around the classroom. Here is what we found.

Monday, 18 May 2015

What do you know about shapes?

Today we have been using educreations again to record what we know about the properties of some regular shapes. We might need to check how many sides a circle has!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Sources of light

We have been finding out how to use educreations to publish our learning about light.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


We have really enjoyed playing badminton this term. Today was our last lesson.

We started with a game of rob the nest.

Then we had a game of badminton using either a balloon or a shuttlecock.

Finally we played snake. It's a bit like follow the leader but badminton style!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Shield Winner

Congratulations to Christian who is our shield winner this week. Well done.


We are really enjoying our badminton lessons. We have practised using balloons as these are easier to control. Today we tried hitting them over the net to our partner. Take a look at our pictures below.