Thursday, 26 May 2016


Today in our music lesson we listened to a new piece of music. While we listened we looked down or closed our eyes. This helped us to use our imagination and to think about the music. 

We shared our ideas with the class and Mrs DC. The music is called Mussorgsky's Promenade Pictures at an Exhibition. We noticed that it was quite loud, mezzo forte, and that is was in a major key as it sounded more happy than sad.

Finally we played a game where we had to keep the beat around the circle. 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Days of the Week

Room 6 and Room 22 have been learning the days of the week in Te Reo Maori. Here we are singing a song together.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Basic Facts

This week your child should have brought home a basic facts sheet and short note of explanation.

Learning instant recall of basic facts is an essential part of progression in mathematics. In order to progress to the next level each child has to be both accurate and quick. Children should not need a strategy, such as counting on fingers, to find the answer.

The sheets do not need to come back to school and it is up to you how much you want to practise. We will be testing towards the end of each term.

Shape presentations

We have been learning to recognise the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Some of us used Educreations to create a short presentation. It was our first time using Educreations so there might be some mistakes. We enjoyed using it and would like to make more presentations in future.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Head Lice

We seem to have an ongoing problem with head lice in Room 6. Please can you check your child's hair and treat if needed. Even if only one person does not treat head lice they can spread through the class and this is unfair on those who are regularly checking and treating. Thank you for your help with this.


This week we used the giant skipping ropes to make shapes out in the playground. The children had to work together to make the correct number of sides and corners.

Some shapes were easier than others. It was tricky to make the square because we had to make sure that the sides were all the same length.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2.

We are starting the term with a focus on Road Safety. Yesterday we looked at the pedestrian crossing outside the school and it was interesting to see how many cars did not stop when someone was trying to cross. Next week we will starting the Keeping Ourselves Safe unit. If you are interested in finding out more please come to the parent information meeting on Tuesday 10th May.

For the rest of the term our topic focus will be on different cultures and celebrations. It would be wonderful to hear from any parents or other adults who would like to share stories from their culture or talk about their cultural ceremonies and celebrations.

This term we will be continuing to think about what a good learner does. So far we have decided that a good learner knows what they are learning and why, takes risks, is responsible for their own learning and sometimes makes mistakes.

Although hats are not compulsory this term it is still very sunny so it might be a good idea to send one in with your child for playtimes and PE.