Thursday, 30 June 2016

Cultural Day

All of the Year 2 and Year 3 classes enjoyed our cultural morning earlier this week. Lots of children dressed up in an outfit that reflected their culture.

After singing the national anthem together all of the classes took turns in sharing something they had learnt. We saw songs in Japanese and Samoan, a Greek dance and many other items. Room 6 shared a Matariki story and waiata about the stars. Everyone had a chance to dance together at the end of the session.

After morning tea we returned to the hall for some story telling and singing. Finally it was time for our shared lunch. The food was delicious! It was great to see the children trying different foods.

Thank you so much to all the parents and carers who put together outfits, helped children learn lines, prepared food and to those who were able to help us with serving the food and clearing up on the day. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to mix with other classes, share their learning and find out more about other cultures.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


Room 6 will be hosting the school assembly next week, Tuesday 28th June. The assembly starts at 2.15 pm and you are invited to join us. We will be presenting a story and waiata about Matariki.

Buddy Class

Buddy class is one of the most important times of the week at Pinehill School. The children love having the opportunity to mix with children from other year groups. Sometimes Room 6 get to be the big kids when we have a year 1 class to visit, other times we like to have the bigger kids visit us.  They enjoy playing games, building creations, drawing or reading stories. 

Colour mixing

For art this week we tried making shades of a colour by adding a small amount of green, blue, orange or red paint to a large amount of white paint. Each time we added more colour we painted a new stripe onto our page. The colours got darker as we added more. 

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Swimming in Term 3

Thank you for all the returned swimming notices. Another letter will be coming home soon outlining some important details including swimming day. This letter includes a permission slip for you to sign. Please can you ensure that your child is able to get in and out of their swimming togs and school uniform (including shoes) independently. They will be expected to get changed by themselves fairly quickly at the pool. I am looking forward to taking the class swimming next term and hope that they are looking forward to it too.