Tuesday, 25 July 2017


What an amazing time we had at our first swimming lesson. We were put into small groups and each group had a teacher. We spent time learning and practising the skills we need for swimming such as blowing bubbles, kicking and arm circles. 

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Book Week

Here are the children from the amazing Room 13 dressed up for our costume parade. We have had a great week listening to different people read, working on our Eric Carle illustrations, writing our own Brown Bear stories and listening to a visiting author. 

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Te Reo

In Year 2 we have a weekly Te Reo rotation. The children have a chance to work with their friends from other Year 2 classes and also to work with different teachers. Topics covered include Maori art, language skills, myths and waiata.

The group who are currently with Miss Everett have been making poi. Here are some of the finished ones. Everyone is looking forward to their turn to make poi.

Sunday, 2 April 2017


Which is bigger - your hand or your foot? How do you know? 

We answered these questions by using scrabble tiles to measure the surface area of our hands and feet. We used the tiles rather than the counters because the tiles are square and do not leave any gaps whereas the counters are round and do not fit together. 

Wednesday, 29 March 2017


Today we weighed our toys using a balance scale. We had to find something that weighed more than our toy, something that weighed less than our toy and something that weighed the same as our toy. We knew it is the same when the scale balanced. Then we estimated how many blocks weighed the same as our toy before we checked to see if we were correct.

Monday, 27 March 2017


Today we used mirrors and torches to show that light travels in straight lines. We had to use the mirror to reflect the beam of light from the torch onto an object. Once we got good at that we used two mirrors. 

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Writing about our toys

After morning tea we started planning a piece of writing about our toys. We know that it is important to plan as this helps us to think of lots of ideas and key words that we will use in our writing. If we spend time planning it makes writing much easier.

Cuddly toy visitors

This week we have lots of cuddly toy visitors in class. We started with comparing the toys by size. We talked about toys that are tall and toys that are long. We compared how wide our toys are by seeing which toys could fit through a narrow gap. We have also enjoyed reading to our toys.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Reading time with the bigger kids!

We were lucky to have some visitors this afternoon from another room. We enjoyed reading to them and playing reading games with them.

We love writing

We love writing time in Room 13. 

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Year 2 Activity Fun Day

Even though we couldn't go to the beach we had a fantastic time doing team building activities at school. The children had to listen, communicate, work as a team and problem solve. We climbed through hopes and threw paper aeroplanes. We built towers from blocks and from paper. We raced like a caterpillar and crossed a shark infested river. We played silent games and animal noise games. In the afternoon we all created some wonderful artwork. Thanks to those parents who supported the children. Everyone had fun!