Thursday, 23 February 2017

Fantastic Fractions

We have been learning to recognise fractions of a shape. 

We looked at all the fraction pieces and compared the sizes. We discovered that for the same size circle halves are bigger than thirds and thirds are bigger than quarters. We realised that two halves make one whole, three thirds make one whole and four quarters make one whole!  

Silhouettes 2

Here are our first attempts at a silhouette. They are very good. Can you tell what everything is?

Thursday, 16 February 2017


This morning we looked at a variety of silhouette pictures and discussed what they had in common. Then we practised drawing the outline of a picture with no detail on the inside. We talked about the things that made it clear what our picture was of, for example an elephant has a trunk, a giraffe has a long neck and long legs and a lion has a mane.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

What does great learning look like?

In Room 13 we are a like a hive of busy bees who work hard at our learning.

We decided that good learners
  • know what they are learning and why
  • try everything, even though they might fail
  • take risks 
  • ask questions
  • make mistakes - and that's okay

We thought that Bothersome Bees make learning difficult. 
  • people talking when they are not supposed to
  • too much noise
  • people distracting us
  • unclear instructions

Brilliant Bees are things that make learning easier. 
  • clear instructions
  • people who help us
  • quiet when we need it
  • enough time to finish a task

All year we will be revisiting these ideas and challenging ourselves to be great learners. 


In PE this week we have been thinking about ways to use our body to make different shapes and movements. We have used animals to show this. Here are some pictures of us being tigers, flamingos and worms!

Thursday, 9 February 2017


This week the children have started to use Mathletics as part of our daily maths rotation. They are now able to log on independently and can work through the tasks set on their own. Mathletics is great for supporting the work the children do in class.

Kelly Sports and library time

This morning we were lucky enough to have a taster session with Kelly Sports. The children were able to try soccer, hockey and athletics skills.

Friday is our library day. We all enjoy listening to Mrs Barratt read a story and then we have a chance to browse through the books and choose one to take home for the week. 

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Problem Solving

We have been learning about the different ways that you can solve problems in maths. We talked about the following methods:

  • draw a picture
  • act it out or use materials
  • make a table or chart
  • guess, check and improve your answer
The problem we needed to solve today involved a repeating colour pattern. We needed to work out the last colour in the sequence and how many of a particular colour would appear in the pattern. 

Most of us used some of the classroom equipment to create the pattern. 

Some of us wrote it out in words.

We were very successful because we were able to work out the correct answers and explain how we solved the problem.

Room 13

In Room 13 we are...