Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Weighing using cubes

We have been working out the weight of objects using cubes. First we made an estimate then we used the balance scale to check our estimate.

Saying goodbye in Te Reo Maori

This week we had a look at how to say goodbye in Te Reo Maori. 

Haere rā
Goodbye (to someone leaving)
E noho rā
Goodbye (to someone staying)
Ka kite anō
See you again

Monday, 15 June 2015

Shield Winner

Congratulations to Deaven, the shield winner for this week. Well done.


This week we are thinking about weight. We have been using balance scales to compare two objects after we had made an estimate as to which one was lightest. 

We have also been using the ipads to record our ideas about things we considered to be 'light' and things we thought were 'heavy'.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Problem Solving Success

Today we tried a new problem about hanging out washing.

Mrs Parore is hanging out her towels to dry. She puts two pegs on each towel. If she has 4 towels, how many pegs will she need?

Mrs Parore sees that her peg box is running low. So she puts one peg on the corner of two towels. This way she only needs 3 pegs for 2 towels. How many pegs will she need for 4 towels now?

Some children used equipment .

Some children drew a diagram.

Some children did a mixture of both.

We shared our working with the rest of the class.

Great work today Room 6.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Today we made shadow puppets to complete some shadow investigations.

We discovered that when the light was brightest the shadow was dark and strong. 

When the light was dim then the shadow become blurred and pale.

We also found out that when a shadow was closer to the light source it was bigger than when it was further away from the light source.

We were able to make some amazing shadows just by using the light from the sun.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Greetings in Te Reo Maori

In room 6 we have been practicing our Maori greetings. In the morning we say Kia ora when we answer the roll.

Tēnā koe  - hello to one person
Tēnā kōrua - hello to two people
Tēnā koutou - hello to three or more people



We practiced our greetings with Room 21 at buddy class time.

Now we need to learn how to say goodbye!

Shield Winner

Congratulations to this week's shield winner, Erica. Well done.

Sunday, 7 June 2015


We have been testing materials around the classroom to find out whether they are transparent, translucent or opaque. Some materials, such as plastic ended up in each column.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Shield Winner

Congratulations to Maia who won the class shield this week. Well done.


We have been thinking about light this term and for art we have been looking at silhouettes. Here are some of our amazing pictures.